Thursday, April 1, 2010

To Accept God's Way

Hi, ladies!

It's been over a week since we met last, but here are my reflections on the chapter we went over:

I had no clue what mothering was all about when I gave birth to my firstborn...who really does? I read all the books, gleaned from all the veteran moms, and prayed daily for my child...but it turns out parenting doesn't happen like in the books, like in the veteran moms' families, like in my visions as I pray!

Can I, will I accept God's way in this parenting journey?

I didn't count on my son being diagnosed with Asperger's. I didn't think it'd be so difficult to answer my four-year-old's questions about life, death, and sin. There's this fear that I'm failing...I worry when my kids act up in public, for example. I just want to tell the on-lookers that he has Asperger's or she is struggling with the idea of sin and discipline but she's really an amazing kid! I want to tell people it's not what it seems...we are learning, we are growing, we are becoming...

It just doesn't look like what I imagined it to be.

But to come back to the truth that He has searched my kids and me...He knows us. He is familiar with all our ways...all the days ordained for us were written in His book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139)...

It's comforting to know that He knows, He understands, and He has provided the grace to do the impossible: raise children in a godly way in all times, trials, and temptations.

I praise You, Lord, because they are fearfully and wonderfully I mother my children, I will not lean on my own understanding, but trust that your grace is sufficient when we mess up or there is a trial ahead.

I want to accept Your way, Lord!